IMO 2020
In our daily and professional lives we all strive for a more sustainable world and so does the shipping industry.
The limit for sulphur in fuel oil used on all seagoing vessels will be reduced to 0.50% m/m (mass by mass), against the current limit of 3.50% m/m, enforced by International Maritime Organization.
So called IMO 2020 regulation will be implemented by the majority of the shipping lines as from December, aiming to have a tremendous positive environmental impact.
These investments come with an extra cost and shipping lines will understandably translate this in higher bunker costs or an additional IMO charge. At this stage, not all shipping lines have published actual numbers.
Our sales representatives shall contact you, once there is more clarity on the planned increases or when your rates and tariff is updated.
If you would like to learn more about the IMO2020 regulations or more technical background, please refer to: